Fair-rite 31 Material
31 material is a Manganese Zinc ferrite that is specifically designed for EMI suppression from 1 to 500MHz. Commonly used for RF suppression of common mode RF on the outer of coaxial cables in the 3 to 30MHz bands, ui=1500. Refer to the 31 Material Data Sheet for more information.
FB31-102002 12.8mm Cable EMI Ferrite Bead 31 Material
Fair-Rite 2631102002 Ferrite 12.8mm cable suppression bead, 31 material, suitable for..
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FB31-480002 4.95mm Cable EMI Ferrite Bead 31 Material
Fair-Rite 2631480002 Ferrite 4.95mm cable suppression bead, 31 material, suitable for..
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FB31-480102 4.95mm Cable EMI Ferrite Bead 31 Material
Fair-Rite 2631102002 Ferrite 4.95mm cable suppression bead, 31 material, suitable for..
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FB31-540002 6.35mm Cable EMI Ferrite Bead 31 Material
Fair-Rite 2631540002 Ferrite bead single 6.35mm hole, 31 material, suitable for ..
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FC31-164181 Clamp On EMI Ferrite 13mm Cable 31 Material
Fair-Rite 0431164181 Ferrite Clamp On bead, 31 material, suitable for clamping over c..
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FC31-167281 Clamp On EMI Ferrite 10mm Cable 31 Material
Fair-Rite 0431167281 Ferrite Clamp On bead, 31 material, suitable for clamping over c..
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FT240-31 Ferrite Toroid ui=1500
Fair-Rite 5931003802 Ferrite Toroid, 31 material, for wideband transformers up to 300..
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