Fair-rite 52 Material
52 ( K ) material Nickel Zinc ferrite is suitable for wide band transformers from 1 to 50MHz, and suppression from 50 to 1000MHz. Commonly used to construct HF Antenna Baluns ununs etc ui=250. Refer to the 52 Material Data Sheet for more information.
FT82-52 Ferrite Toroid ui=250
Fair-Rite 5952020601 MnZn Ferrite Toroid, 52 material, for wide band transforme..
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FT82-75 Ferrite Toroid 75 Material ui=5000
Fair-Rite 5975000601 MnZn Ferrite Toroid, 75 material, for noise attenuation 0...
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FT140-52 Ferrite Toroid ui=250 T35/23/13
Fair-Rite 5952020801 MnZn Ferrite Toroid, 52 material, for wide band transfor..
Priced from
FT240-52 (K) MnZn Ferrite Toroid ui=250
Fair-Rite 5952003801 MnZn Ferrite Toroid, 52 material, for wide band transformers fro..
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