FM Video Transmitter
Mini-Kits produce FM video transmitters to suit both the 23cm 1.2GHz and 12cm 2.4GHz Amateur Television bands. The 23cm 1.2Ghz transmitter can be used with our multipliers Kits for use on the higher 3.4, 5.8 and 10GHz microwave bands. The transmitters are wide band and can be used with the optional SP5055 phase lock loop kit to fully lock the transmitter, along with audio sub-carrier Kits to suit, 5.5MHz, 6.0MHz, and 6.5MHz.
Complete 1.2GHz FM ATV Transmitter
The complete 1.2GHz FM ATV transmitter consists of a number of Kits and hardware to p..
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Complete 2.3-2.5GHz FM ATV Transmitter
The complete 2.3 to 2.5GHz FM ATV transmitter consists of a number of Kits and hardwa..
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1.2GHz FM ATV Video Transmitter
The 1.2GHz 23cm band FM Video transmitter Kit has a tune-able frequency range of 1020..
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2.4GHz FM ATV Video Transmitter
The 2.4GHz FM Video transmitter has a tune-able frequency range of 2250 to 2600MHz an..
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SP5055 PLL Control Board
The EME161B SP5055 PLL control Kit uses a PIC 16F648A micro-controller and was design..
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SP5055 Wideband Phase Lock Loop
The Mini-Kits EME231 Kit is a simple 4 channel PLL that has been designed around..
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