Amateur Band Preamplifier (LNAs)
Mini-Kits produce a number of low noise Receive Pre-amplifier Kits for Ham Radio applications that are suitable for improving the reception of weak signals. Our RX/TX masthead amplifiers are suitable for use directly on most Transceivers, and have on board Relays and a RF VOX to detect RF from the Transmitter to bypass the Pre-amplifier. Most have an on board bias tee so that DC power can be fed up the coaxial cable to power the circuitry directly from Icom multimode VHF/UHF Transceivers including the IC275/475/1275, IC910, IC9100, and IC9700. For Transceivers including the Kenwood TS2000 and Yaesu FT857, FT897 etc, an optional EME168 series bias tee can be used to feed power up the coaxial cable to power the Pre-amplifier