EME216 ESP-01S WiFi Switch

Please Note: that all information including pictures on this web page are copyright to Mini-Kits and must not be used on any other web site, or reproduced in any publication.

EME216 KIT Description:

The ESP-01S WiFi Switch module was designed to interface an Ai Thinker ESP-01S Wifi module to switch power Mos FETs to drive 12v relays, or power other circuitry. The module can switch a total combined maximum current of 500mA through the 4 switches, which are limited by the onboard PTC current protection. A simple WEB interface is used over a WIFI network allowing easy controlling of the switches. For more information on the ESP-01S module and programming see the Kit webpage for the data sheet. The constructor must be willing to learn the Arduino IDE software and be capable of simple changes to the software file, ( ide ) to successfully complete this Kit.

Kit Constructors Alert:

There are no current alerts.

EME216 Kit Notes:

The ESP-01S switch is an ideal project to practive SMD component construction. Constructors with some experience should find it relatively easy to construct. BUY THIS PRODUCT

  • EME216 Top View showing the ESP-01S
    Top view of the EME216 which shows the ESP-01S WiFi module
  • EME216 Switch Bottom View
    Bottom View of the EME216

EME216 Software:

This open source Arduino ide software which has been modified to suit the EME216 WiFi switch for various applications. I am unable to change these files to suit specific applications. The constructor must be willing to learn how to program the ESP-01S module using the Arduino ide software. The original software did not allow a fixed i.p. address to be set, and used the router to automatically allocate an i.p. address.  This caused issues with the i.p. address sometimes changing, so the software has now been updated to allow for fixed i.p. address.

If you are using the ESP01 USB programming adapter then the following windows driver should work.

CH340G USB Driver Download

Although no problems have been found with the current Software version, Mini-Kits takes no responsibility for faults and minor glitches with the Software.

Software to suit Satellite X-Pol Antenna switching for both 2m and 70cm Antennas. ESP8266ESP01-Satellite-VHF-UHF

Software to suit a 4 way HF Antenna switch. ESP8266ESP01-HF-Antenna

  • EME216 Satellite X-Pol Software
    This shows the WEB interface for the Satellite Antenna Switch version of the software
  • EME216 HF Antenna Software
    This shows the WEB interface for the HF Antenna Switch version of the software
Changes and Updates:

1/ There are no current changes to this product.